Rita Riebel Mitchell

The Decision: Website or Writing?

Lately, this website has been a pain in my… well, you know. It takes time to work on it, and some days the decision boils down to choosing between working on the Website or Writing.

WordPress Woes

Although WordPress is not new to me, I’m no expert, and learning all of my chosen theme’s nuances is complicated. One theme gives the user too much freedom to experiment, and another theme is too limited.

The current theme for RRMitchell.com is Lovecraft, and it looks nice, but I want to personalize it more than it seems to allow. As a former computer teacher (K-8), I have higher expectations for myself. I SHOULD be able to figure this out. It is just taking up so much of the time that I should allocate to writing and editing.

Again today the decision was Website or Writing? I decided to write.

Writing by the Firepit

As I learn how to write fiction, there are many other irons in my firepit, so to speak. I have this blog, my website, as well as writing, editing, and research. So I didn’t really need anything else for my to-do list.

Writing by the firepit

“You should start building an email list right away…”

There is an amazing amount of advice on the web, some good and some not so much. Did you know that you should start building an email list as soon as you become a writer? Waiting to have a book to promote is apparently too late.  

RR Mitchell Writes - building an email list

RRMitchell Writes is my growing email list. It has two members as of this post. Yes, that’s correct, two. One is me (at an alternate email address), and the other one is my supportive husband (I signed him up).

This list has a landing page, a confirmation email, and a plan to send a weekly newsletter. Topics are TBD at this point, so weekly is just a dream.

Meanwhile, Back at the Keyboard

Putting WordPress and Mailchimp aside, for now, writing is my priority for the next few hours. My Bullet Journal goals for this week include submitting a few flash fiction stories and writing a blog post (check).

So… back to the decision: Website or Writing? Today I chose writing.

Asking for a Friend

Are you willing to take a chance on a brand new, evolving newsletter? Sign up for RR Mitchell Writes today.


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